I thought this was a very appropriate word to describe this new затея or undertaking that I thought up for this blog. You see, I recently started learning Farsi because I've always had a fascination with Iranian culture and since we had Iranians living right next door to us I figured it was the perfect time to start working towards my dream. This however has made me feel guilty about not building up my Russian more. So to compensate I am going to start posting a "Russian Word a Day" to help me build my vocabulary and hopefully to help others build theirs.
Затеять (perfective) and Затевать (Imperfective)- To venture, undertake, decide to do
Если вы затеяли интернет-проект. If you undertook an internet-project. (From a Google search)
затеять спор — start an argument (from slovari.yandex.ru)
Related Words:
затея: an undertaking, amusement
затейник: A game director or a free or inventive spirit
затейливый: creative, inventive, ingenious